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Documenting Data Analysis with Jupyter Lab

Joe Wu, Phd

NCI/CCR Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

September 24, 2024

Start Jupyter Lab

To start Jupyter Lab, type the following into the command prompt. The --no-browser option prevents a web browser from opening.

jupyter lab --no-browser

Copy and paste any of the following URLs into a web browser to start using Jupyter. These URLs will be different for every Jupyter Lab session. Note users cannot copy one of the URLs below into a web browser on their computer and hope that it pulls up Jupyter Lab. These URLs are machine specific and Jupyter Lab also needs to be installed.

To access the server, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

Jupyter Lab Interface

Upon starting Jupyter Lab, users will see an interface with the following.

  • To the left, there is a file explorer where users can access files and subfolders available in the directory in which the Jupyter Lab session was started (also referred to as the project directory in these documents). In the example below, there is a subfolder called "data".
  • A folder icon with a "+" enclosed can be used to create new folders within the project directory. These will be available in the file explorer.
  • In case there are files or folders that are not in the project directory, users can use the upload button to transfer these so that they will appear in the file explorer. An alternative is to click and drag content into the file explorer.
  • The Launcher contains options for starting a Jupyter Notebook in various languages. Users will have to install the specific language and add it into their Jupyter Lab environment to be able to use it. The link addressing Jupyter Lab language compatibility is included in the section titled "Jupyter Lab is Compatible with Many Languages".
  • Right clicking on the file explorer will bring up a menu where users can create new files, folders, and Jupyter Notebooks.

Caution: The file explorer will only display files and subfolders in the directory in which the Jupyter Lab session was created. To transfer files that reside in a different directory, either click and drag into the file explorer or use the upload button. Alternatively, users may create a symbolic link, which will appear in the file explorer to access content outside of the Jupyter Lab session directory.

Jupyter Lab is Compatible with Many Languages

Start a New Jupyter Notebook

To start a new Jupyter Notebook, click on any of the available panels under the "Notebook" section in the Launcher. Each of the panels represent a notebook that will work with a specific language that was added to the Jupyter environment by the user.

This class will use a Python notebook as an example. Click on the "Python 3 (ipykernel)" panel to start a Python Jupyter Noteook. The instructor has Python 3.12.2 installed and this will be differ depeneding on what each user has installed. Remember to keep track of language and package versions to ensure analysis reproducibility.

The Jupyter Notebook is a part of Jupyter Lab.

The note book is where users

  • Write code
  • View and maintain output
  • Document analysis steps using formatted text written in markdown


"Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor." --

Rename Untitled Jupyter Notebook

A new Jupyter Notebook is given the name "Untitled". Change this to something meaningful either using the save icon on the notebook menu bar or right-clicking on the "Untitled.ipynb" notebook in the file explorer and choose "Rename".

Jupyter Notebooks have extension ipynb, which stands for interactive Python notebook.

Keeping Code, Output, and Analysis Steps in One Place

Changing Between Markdown and Code

Ways to Access and Use Jupyter Lab

Installing Jupyter Lab on Personal Computer

To run Jupyter Lab on a personal computer, users will need to have


Jupyter Lab is compatible with many languages. For more information about Jupyter compatible languages see

Code and Visualization

Jupyter Notebook enables organization of code, analysis steps, and output all in one place.

The example below will use Python code to demonstrate the utility of Jupyter Notebook for keeping code, output, and analysis steps all in one place.

  • First, the import command of Python will be used to load packages numpy which is used for numeric computation and matplotlib which is a popular Python data visualization tool.
  • Next, two numeric arrays (x and y) will be generated using numpy and its array sub-command. To call a Python sub-command just type the package name (ie. numpy), followed by a ".", and then the sub-command. So to create an array, use numpy.array. The elements in the array are enclosed in "([])".
  • Finally, a scatter plot will be generated using matplotlib's pyplot module, which will be loaded under the alias plt for easy referencing in the code. The scatter sub-command will be used to generate the scatter plot showing the relationship between the values in array x versus those in array y. The arguments enclosed in "()" are name of the two arrays separated by a comma (ie. (x,y)).
  • After scatter plot has been generated, the following sub-commands from matplotlib's pyplot or plt will be used to customize the graph:
    • xlabel: assign label to the x axis, the option size= allows font size adjustment.
    • ylabel: assign label to the y axis, the option size= allows font size adjustment.
    • plt.tick_params: adjust axis tick mark label font size by setting the labelsize option.
    • plt.title: assigns a plot title and size is used to adjust the fontsize of the title.
# Import some Python packages
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
# Generate numeric arrays x and y using numpy
print("The array x contains: ", x)
print("The array y contains: ", y)
The array x contains:  [0 1 2 3 4]
The array y contains:  [0 2 4 6 8]
# Generate scatter plot using matplotlib
plt.xlabel("x", size=15)
plt.ylabel("y", size=15)
plt.title("Relationship between x and y", size=16)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Relationship between x and y')


Importing data tables into Jupyter Notebook

Users will be working with data tables during analyses. These can be imported into the a Jupyter Notebook although the approach for doing so will be language dependent.

The example below will use a Python package called Pandas to import a data table. The data table contains the differential gene expression analysis results from the HBR and UHR study and is in the comma separated value or CSV format where each column in the table is separated by a comma.

The file used is hbr_uhr_deg_chr22_with_significance.csv.

Step 1 in the process is to load pandas into the work environment using the import command of Python (ie. import pandas). The data will be stored in a data table called hbr_uhr_deg_chr22. Use pandas.read_csv to call the read_csv sub-command. Enclosed in parentheses is the path to the file hbr_uhr_deg_chr22_with_significance.csv. Once the data has been loaded, append the .head() attribute to the hbr_uhr_deg_chr22 to preview the first five lines.

The hbr_uhr_deg_chr22 data table contains five columns and these are:

  • name: contains gene names
  • log2FoldChange: gene expression change between two experimental conditions on the log2 scale
  • PAdj: adjusted p-value indicating statistical confidence of the calculated gene expression change
  • -log10PAj: negative of the values in the PAdj column on a log10 scale
  • significance: whether the gene expression is up regulated, down regulated, or has no change
# Load the Pandas package
import pandas
# Import the data


# View the first several lines of hbr_uhr_deg_chr22 using the head attribute
## of the imported data table (hbr_uhr_deg_chr22)
name log2FoldChange PAdj -log10PAdj significance
0 SYNGR1 -4.6 5.200000e-217 216.283997 down
1 SEPT3 -4.6 4.500000e-204 203.346787 down
2 YWHAH -2.5 4.700000e-191 190.327902 down
3 RPL3 1.7 5.400000e-134 133.267606 ns
4 PI4KA -2.0 2.900000e-118 117.537602 down

Data visualization in Jupyter Notebook: scatter plot

The exercise below will use the Python package Seaborn to create a volcano plot for the HBR and UHR differential analysis results table that was previously imported. A volcano plot is essentially a scatter plot that shows magnitude of change on one axis and statistical confidence of the change on another axis. In the case of RNA sequencing differential expression, this will be log2 of fold change and -log10 of adjusted p-values.

The scatterplot function in seaborn will be used to generate volcano plots. This function takes on arguments below:

  • Data: hbr_uhr_deg_chr22 (differential gene expression analysis results table imported using pandas.read_csv)
  • x: x-axis values (ie. gene expression log2FoldChange)
  • y: y-axis values (ie. -log10 of adjusted p-value)
  • hue: color dots by whether gene expression change is up, down, or has no change (see signifcance column of the data)
## Load the seaborn plotting package
import seaborn

seaborn.scatterplot(hbr_uhr_deg_chr22,x="log2FoldChange", y="-log10PAdj", hue="significance")
<Axes: xlabel='log2FoldChange', ylabel='-log10PAdj'>


Data visualization in Jupyter Notebook: heatmap

This exercise will use Seaborn's clustermap function to construct a gene expression heatmap of top differentially expressed genes in the HBR and UHR study. Heatmaps are another common visualization in RNA sequencing and allow scientists to identify clusters of samples with similar gene expression patterns.

First, import the dataset (hbr_uhr_top_deg_normalized_counts.csv) using pandas.read_csv and assign it to the variable hbr_uhr_top_deg_normalized_counts. The clustermap function of seaborn takes the following arguments and options.

  • Data: hbr_uhr_top_deg_normalized_counts (the expression counts table imported using pandas.read_csv).
  • z_score: set this to 0 to scale the expression counts for each gene by the z_score.
  • cmap: specify a coloring scheme (ie. viridis)
  • figsize: specify figure size
  • cbar_kws: specify title for the heatmap color bar using a key-value pair
  • cbar_pos: specify coordinate to place the heatmap color bar
# Import the data

hbr_uhr_top_deg_normalized_counts=pandas.read_csv("./hbr_uhr_top_deg_normalized_counts.csv", index_col=0)
                   figsize=(8,8),vmin=-1.5, vmax=1.5,cbar_kws=({"label": "z score"}),
<seaborn.matrix.ClusterGrid at 0x137331340>


R Code in a Python Jupyter Notebook

Using the [rpy2.ipython]( package, users can run R code inside a Python Jupyter Notebook. This package requires user installation (see To load rpy2.ipython, use %load_ext

# Load rpy2.ipython
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

Using R to generate a volcano plot

Here, R will be used to generate a volcano plot for the HBR and UHR study differential expression analysis results as was done using Python. To run R code in a Python Jupyter Notebook, place at the top of the code cell %%R then proceed to write the R code.

R's read.csv function takes on a file path enlosed in "()" as an argument. There are many options for this command that could alter the default ways in which it imports data. Here, the file hbr_uhr_deg_chr22_with_significance.csv will be imported using read.csv with default settings and stored as hbr_uhr_chr22_deg. The head command will be used to preview the first six lines of the data table. Because the "-" sign in the column name -log10PAdj violates R's column heading naming convention, read.csv by default changes the "-" with "X.". This column will be renamed neg.log10PAdj.

# Import gene expression data using read.csv and store is as variable counts
hbr_uhr_chr22_deg <- read.csv("./hbr_uhr_deg_chr22_with_significance.csv")
# Look at the first few lines of counts using the head command
    name log2FoldChange     PAdj X.log10PAdj significance
1 SYNGR1           -4.6 5.2e-217    216.2840         down
2  SEPT3           -4.6 4.5e-204    203.3468         down
3  YWHAH           -2.5 4.7e-191    190.3279         down
4   RPL3            1.7 5.4e-134    133.2676           ns
5  PI4KA           -2.0 2.9e-118    117.5376         down
6  SEZ6L           -5.1 4.2e-109    108.3768         down

# Rename the X.log10PAdj column header to neg.log10PAdj

colnames(hbr_uhr_chr22_deg)[4] <- "neg.log10PAdj"
# Load the ggplot2 package using R's library command

Using ggplot2 to construct a volcano plot

To create the volcano plot initiate it with the ggplot command, which creates a blank plotting canvas. Enclosed in the ggplot command are the arguments and these are as follows.

  • Data table to generate a plot from: hbr_uhr_chr22_deg
  • aes: specifies aesthetics of the plot include:
  • Values to plot on the x axis (ie. log2FoldChange)
  • Values to plot on the y axis (ie. neg.log10PAdj)
  • What to color the points by (set by color and in this example values in the significance column in the data table showing whether gene expression change was statistically significant)

Next, specify the plot type. For a volcano plot (or scatter plot), geom_point will be used. The labels for the x and y axes are set by xlab and ylab, respectively. Finally, inside axis label, tick mark, and legend text fontsizes are specified in theme.


# Construct volcano plot.

ggplot(hbr_uhr_chr22_deg, aes(x=log2FoldChange, y=neg.log10PAdj, color=significance))+
geom_point()+xlab("Log2 Fold Change")+ylab("-log10 Adjusted P")+


Running Unix commands

Users can run Unix commands within a Python Jupyter Notebook. To do this start a code block with "!" followed by the unix command. For instance, using the pwd command in the code block below to list the present working directory.


Writing Formatted Text

See for a markdown guide.

Custom heading sizes

Use # to specify heading levels

# Heading level 1 (largest)
## Heading level 2 (second largest)
### Heading level 3 (third largest)


Un-ordered lists: use * or -

- protein
- metabolite

Ordered list: use numbers

1. Obtain sequencing data
2. Perform pre-alignment QC
3. Adapter and/or quality trim
3. Align sequencing data to reference genome
4. Obtain gene expression count matrix
5. Run differential expression analysis
6. Pathway analysis

Insert images

  • Via HTML: <img src="image_path" />
  • Via markdown: ![](image_path)

[Description of website](insert url)

Build a Table of Contents

To build a table of contents that links from one section of a Jupyter notebook to another do the following, where

[Display name](#Section-header)
  • Enclosed in [] is the display name for the link. The display name cannot have punctuations such as commas.
  • Enclosed in () is the Markdown header for that section (ie. section header)
    • This is prepended by #
    • Each part the header is connected by -.

Exporting Jupyter Notebook using GUI

Exporting Jupyter Notebook using Command Line

Use the jupyter nbconvert command at the command prompt to convert Jupyter Notebook to various available format, including html, pdf, and slides. The format is specified after the --to option.

jupyter nbconvert --to format

Sharing Jupyter Notebook

  • Github
    • Static notebook (ie. users will not be able to run)
  • Binder
    • Provide data
    • Provide list of packages
    • Users can run the notebook
    • Example