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Transferring Data to the NIH Partek Flow Server Using the Web Tool

Using the Partek Flow web tool to transfer data

If users have data stored on a personal computer, the Partek Flow web tool can be used to transfer data onto the server. Upon signing in to Partek Flow, a button labeled "Transfer files" is available. Click on this.

This takes the users to the "Transfer files" section of the settings page. Click on the blue "Transfer files" tab at the top.

A dialogue box that assists the user with data transfer appears.


Users can only transfer to the Partek Flow uploads folder or subfolders within uploads.

The current "Upload directory" as indicated at the bottom of the file transfer dialogue box is /data/username/PartekFlow/uploads. Click on the magnifying glass next to it to create new folders within Partek Flow uploads to store data uploaded for specific projects. It is a good idea to create a folder to store data for each project.

To create a new folder, click on the blue "Create new folder" tab.

Enter the name of the folder (ie. hbr_uhr_fastq) and click the blue "Create" tab when ready.

The "Current directory" is updated to reflect that the user is now in /data/username/PartekFlow/uploads/hbr_uhr_fastq.

Click "Ok" to return to the file transfer dialogue box. Note that the "Upload directory" has been updated to /data/username/PartekFlow/uploads/hbr_uhr_fastq as well.

Twelve FASTQ files will be transferred to the folder hbr_uhr_fastq in uploads. Users can either drag and drop or browse to select files for upload. Click the green "Upload" button when ready (the number shown inside this button depends on the number of items to be transferred).

The warning message below will appear once the data transfer has commenced. Click "I understand".

A bar indicating the transfer status will also appear.

After the transfer is complete, users can click on the arrow next to the /data/username/PartekFlow/upload folder to view it subfolders and contents of subfolders.


The user will not own contents transferred via the web tool. Thus, the only way to delete is using the "trash can" under the "Action" column. If user attempts to delete via command line, the message "Permission denied" will appear.

Listing the contents of the /data/username/PartekFlow/uploads folder on Biowulf will reveal the hbr_uhr_fastq subdirectory.

[wuz8@cn4304 username]$ ls -l /data/username/PartekFlow/uploads/
drwxrws---+ 2 partekfl partekfl 4096 May 28 14:26 hbr_uhr_fastq

An attempt to remove the hbr_uhr_folder will result in a message saying "Permission denied". In the rm command below, -r tells rm to remove a folder and f forces rm to delete without asking for confirmation.

[wuz8@cn4304 username]$ rm -rf /data/username/PartekFlow/uploads/hbr_uhr_fastq/
rm: cannot remove '/data/username/PartekFlow/uploads/hbr_uhr_fastq/hbr_uhr_fastq/HBR_1_R1.fq': Permission denied