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Additional Resources

  1. BTEP scRNA-Seq FAQs
  2. Training modules available on Github
  3. Orchestrating Single Cell Analysis with Bioconductor
  4. Single Cell Best Practices
  5. 2023 BTEP Single Cell Annotation Seminar Series

  6. Analysis Guides from 10X Genomics

  7. 10X Genomics FAQs


Who can you contact with questions?

  1. NCI CCR Single Cell Analysis Facility (SCAF)

    • provides single cell support to NCI-CCR Researchers.
  2. NCI CCR Bioinformatics Training and Education Program (BTEP)

    • provides bioinformatics training support.
    • Contact BTEP via email at
  3. Advanced Biomedical Computational Science (ABCS)

    • focuses on applications of bioinformatics, computational and data science, and artificial intelligence to support NCI researchers.
    • Submit a project request here.
  4. CCR Collaborative Bioinformatics Resource (CCBR)

    • provides a mechanism for CCR researchers to obtain many different types of bioinformatics assistance to further their research goals.
    • Contact CCBR for questions related to CCBR Workflows & Training on NIDAP.
    • If you are a CCR researcher and you would like to request additional project consultation and analysis from CCBR, use this form.