Installing R, RStudio, and Rtools on Windows

Goto and click on "download R".

Installing R - step1

Select a US mirror site to download from (for instance

Installing R - step2

Select "Download R for Windows".

Installing R - step3

Select "base" or "install R for the first time" - both of these options will take you to the same page.

Installing R - step4

Select "Download R x.y.z for Windows", where x.y.z indicates the R version.

Installing R - step5

If using Google Chrome then the download will appear at the bottom of the browser window.

Installing R - step6

If using Firefox then click on the down error on the top right corner of the browser window to see the downloaded file.

Installing R - step7

If using Internet Explorer then there will be a box at the bottom of the browser window that allows you to either run the R install file or save it.

Installing R - step8

If using Microsoft Edge then click on the down error on the top right corner of the browser window to see the downloaded file.

Installing R - step9

Install RStudio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) at and click on "DOWNLOAD" at the top of the page.

Installing R - step10

At the subsequent page, choose to download the free version of RStudio.

Installing R - step11

The next page, choose to download RStudio that is specific to your operating system or scroll to the "All Installers" section to get the installer file for other operating systems.

Installing R - step12

Beginning with R 4.0.0, R for Windows uses a toolchain bundle called rtools4. This makes it easier to build and maintain R itself as well as the system libraries needed by R packages on Windows. To install rtools, goto