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Lesson 1: Help session

Lesson recap

In this lesson, we achieved the following

  • Learned about the Unix operating system
  • Obtained an overview of Biowulf, which is the high performance and Unix-based computing cluster at NIH
  • Learned how to sign onto Biowulf, either through using
    • student accounts OR
    • personal accounts

Practice session goals

The main goal for this practice session is to make sure that everyone can sign onto Biowulf. There are also practice questions to help reinforce what we have learned today.

Practice questions

Question 1:

Name the softwares for Windows and Macs that we use to connect to Biowulf.


For Windows 10 or beyond users, we have the Command Prompt application. Alternatively, Windows users can use PuTTy or MobaXterm.

Mac users can use the built in Terminal application.

Question 2:

Connect to your Biowulf account, how do we do this?


Via the Windows Command Prompt or Mac Terminal


Question 3:

What is the hierarchical architecture of Biowulf?


  • Cluster
  • Computer/node
  • Processor
  • Core
  • CPU

Question 4:

What is the Unix command for checking your username and group affiliation?



Question 5:

What is the Unix command for making a new directory?

