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Introduction to Unix on Biowulf 2024: Self learning resources

Biowulf training and learning resources

For a list of Biowulf online classes, see These online classes are pre-recorded and are accompanied by exercise questions. These online classes cover topics that include Biowulf basics, swarm, and submission of batch jobs.

Biowulf also offers monthly Zoom consultations.

You can always refer to the Biowulf website as a good reference.


Below are two Unix courses offered by Dataquest. Learners are able to use an browser-integrated Unix terminal to gain hands-on experience in the two Dataquest classes below. You will need a license to access Dataquest courses. Please see for instructions on obtaining a license.

Command Line for Data Science

Intermediate Command Line for Data Science

Useful Unix commands for Bioinformatics

See Stephen Tuner's Bioinformatics one-liners page for commands that can help your data wrangling tasks that are often needed when conducting bioinformatics analysis.