miseq process workflow automates post-production processing of Illumina NGS runs: basic Quality Control, permanent data storage in NCI Cleversafe and data delivery to core facility users.
Features Set:
- Automated backup of Next Generation Sequence Data produced by Illumina to NCI Cleversafe Storage System.
- Runs a set of commonly used Quality Control Software on NGS Data.
- Zip packaged and uploaded to NCI Cleversafe Storage System.
- Provides a means of sharing data with core-facitiy users through URL data.
- Access to Helix or Biowulf
- NCI Cleversafe Account
- MySql Database
- Web browser or Unix-based terminal to download data.
- Peter FitzGerald fitzgepe@helix.nih.gov
- Carl McIntosh carl.mcintosh@nih.gov