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Bioinformatic interest groups, listservs, and Slack channels

To stay up to date on bioinformatic tools, methods, and training opportunities, there are a number of groups with listservs and Slack channels you may be interested in joining.

Interest groups with associated listservs

  1. Bioinformatics Scientific Interest Group (Bioinformatics SIG)

    Fosters networking, collaboration, training, and career development for computational biologists and those interested in incorporating computational biology in their research.

    Topic areas include the computational aspects of functional and comparative genomics, systems biology, bioimaging, proteomics, structural modeling, and molecular dynamics. --- Bioinformatics SIG

    To join the BIOINFORMATICS-SIG-L, subscribe here.


    A forum for community collaboration and discourse on data science for biomedical data scientists. Opportunities include seminar series, poster sessions, and workshop / courses.

    To join the NIH-DATASCIENCE-L, subscribe here.

  3. Single-Cell Genomics Interest Group

    Hosts monthly seminar series, monthly joint lab meetings, and hosts symposia and workshops related to advances in single cell genomics.

    To join the SINGLECELLGENOMICS-L, subscribe here.

For a comprehensive list of Scientific Interest Groups (SIGs), click here.

Other Groups

  1. Bring Your Own Bioinformatics (NIH BYOB)

    An informal community-led talk series focused on the practical aspects of bioinformatics. BYOB is for anyone with an interest in bioinformatics. The group fosters collaboration and community discussion.

    Join their Slack channel.