The RNA-Seq Weeks Event is over, but this page will be maintained so you have access to all the class resources.
Welcome to RNA-SEQ WEEKS! (it’s like Shark week but without the Sharks…/\…/\…)
We will be showcasing several platforms available to NCI CCR researchers for analysis of bulk RNA-SEQ data. You will be treated to a presentation of a real data set analysis on each platform, so you can see all the features and help decide which platform is best for you. Additionally, there will be an overview of RNA-Seq analysis, including wet lab methods, data analysis, and tips and tricks for best results.
Our presentations will help to answer the following questions.
1. What resources are available to me to analyze my RNA-Seq data and how do I choose which is “best”?
2. How do I access this platform? (CCR license, Biowulf, Cloud, other)
3. What is the starting point for analysis on the platform? FASTQ files or gene counts or something else?
4. What is the end point of the analysis on the platform? Does it do genome or transcriptome alignment, quantification (gene counts), differential expression and/or pathway analysis?
5. Do I need to know “how to code” to use the platform? If so, what skills do I need for example Unix command line, R, Python or other?
6. Can this platform produce publication-ready graphics of my data?
Past Events:
- Thursday, Nov 5 @ 1 PM, Recording, Intro To RNA-Seq Analysis, Part 1, Link to class page and slides
- Tuesday, Nov 10 @ 1 PM, Recording, Intro to RNA-Seq Analysis, Part 2, Link to class page and slides
- Thursday, Nov 19 @ 1 PM, Qiagen IPA , Recording
- Requests for IPA access may be made directly through the NCI Service Desk:
- Once they have an account, to access IPA web version, please click on
- To install the new IPA desktop client, please do so at:
- Thursday, Dec 3 @ 1 PM, Recording, RNA-Seq Analysis on the DNAnexus platform, Class page and slides
- Thursday, Dec 17 @ 1 PM, Recording RNA-Seq Analysis with CCBR Pipeliner and the NIDAP platform. Class page and Slides part1 and part2.