April 10, 2019
9 – 11 AM
NCI at Frederick, Ft. Detrick, Bldg 549, Auditorium
Presenter: Keyur Talsania, Bioinformatics Analyst, CCR-SF IFX Group
10x Genomics: Whole Exome and Whole Genome Analysis (this is a repeat of the seminar that was given on NIH Campus Oct. 26)
- How 10x Genomics linked reads works
- SNVs, copy number variations, structural variants and phasing of the variants from linked read data
- Walk through of 10x Genomics WGS results
- Integration of linked reads data with other platforms/technologies
All Structural Variants:
- CCR Sequencing Facility analysis pipelines of structural variants from Illumina, linked reads, long reads and optical mapping
- Walk through of SV/CNV pipelines, how they work and results from the SV pipelines