Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

AI Large Language Models at NIH: A Roundtable Discussion

AI Large Language Models at NIH: A Roundtable Discussion

 When: Jun. 11th, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Learning Level: Any

To Know

Online Webinar
NIH Library
Presented By:
Alicia Lillich (NIH Library), Joelle Mornini (NIH Library)
This class has ended.

About this Class

Large language models (LLMs) are artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms that employ deep learning and extensive data sets to create new content. LLMs offer many possible applications in the biomedical field, such as the development of chatbots for use by clinicians, patients, and researchers. Join this roundtable discussion to learn about current use cases of LLMs at NIH. The program will begin with brief presentations by our panelists, followed by an open discussion:

Alicia Lillich, NIH Library 
Introduction to Large Language Models (LLMs)

Trey Saddler, NIEHS
ToxPipe: Semi-Autonomous AI Integration of Diverse Toxicological Data Streams

Mike A. Nalls, Ph.D., NIA
LLMs to Accelerate Tedious Tasks in Research

Nathan Hotaling, Ph.D., NCATS
Applications of Retrieval Augmented Generative AI to Scientific Discovery, Scientific Management, and Code Development and Maintenance at NCATS

Nicole Sroka, NLM
NLM GenAI Pilot: Customer Response Case Study

Steevenson Nelson, Ph.D., OD
Trans IRP Contract Tool (Updates)

Nick Asendorf, Ph.D., NHLBI