Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

BTEP: Variant Analysis using Genomatix GeneGrid

BTEP: Variant Analysis using Genomatix GeneGrid

 When: Oct. 26th, 2018 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

To Know

Bldg 37, Room 6041
Class Files:
This class has ended.

About this Class

Variant Analysis using Genomatix GeneGrid ** please bring laptop with Flash installed for the hands-on portion of this demo Susan M. Dombrowski, PhD and Peter Grant, Genomatix, Inc. Genomatix GeneGrid is a variant annotation and analysis tool that integrates both public and proprietary data sources for examining the biological effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and/or insertions-deletions (indels) in heritable or non-heritable (epigenetic) human disease. Using GeneGrid, one can quickly perform trio analysis, case-control studies, identify somatic SNPs and visualize and dynamically interact with these results in the context of other integrated Genomatix data content including: genomic annotation, biological pathways, and the supporting biomedical literature. GeneGrid also includes the ability to generate variant report summaries and provides link-outs to genetic testing providers. For an overview of the GeneGrid technology we invite you to visit: The training course will consist of a GeneGrid overview lecture and instructor-led demonstration of how to import VCF and BAM files into the GeneGrid platform, followed by a hands-on training demonstrating the use of GeneGrid for variant annotation and analysis. At the end of the course, students will have learned how to: *import VCF and BAM files into the GeneGrid platform; *view VCF sample statistics and the associated metadata; *run a sample comparison; *annotate and filter variants; *view annotated variant data in the Genomatix Genome Browser; *use the results management features; *apply the mastery of GeneGrid to their own data


  • NEW_-GeneGridSeminar1018_v2.pdf: |
  • NEW_Genomatix_GeneGridExamples.pdf: |