Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

Developing Scalable Bioinformatics Workflows on the Cancer Genomics Cloud

Developing Scalable Bioinformatics Workflows on the Cancer Genomics Cloud

 When: Nov. 12th, 2021 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

To Know

Online Webinar
NCI Containers and Workflows Interest Group
This class has ended.

About this Class

The Cancer Genomics Cloud (CGC) is a cloud-based bioinformatics ecosystem supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The CGC allows users to run computational workflows defined in the Common Workflow Language (CWL) on a wealth of large datasets, in place, in the cloud. Users may also upload their own data and take advantage of the scalability of cloud computing for their data analysis. In addition to the hundreds of publicly available bioinformatics workflows in the CGC Public Apps Gallery users can employ a variety of methods to develop their own. These include an integrated graphical user interface for creating workflows, as well as an ecosystem of tools enabling local development and automated deployment of workflows to the CGC. We will detail how to develop efficient workflows for the CGC and how to use best practices such as version control and continuous integration with the CGC, using publicly available tools developed by Seven Bridges. Presented by Dr. Jeffrey Grover, Genomics Scientist, Seven Bridges Abstracts, Slides and Recordings from past CWIG webinars can be found here. For questions and subscription, please reach us at Meeting number (access code): 180 425 7227 Meeting password: 6pSMQPBS$43