NCI and NIH Data Science Resources
When: Mar. 8th, 2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
To Know
About this Class
Are you interested in growing your data science skills or connecting with like-minded practitioners at NCI? Join us on March 8, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET for a seminar on data science resources available to NCI staff! We will provide an overview of various training resources and courses on subjects ranging from bioinformatics to data science and software engineering—and share information on computing resources, forums, and workshops. Please mark your calendar today!
Topics include:
- Data science and cancer research: definitions, ongoing work
- NCI and NIH Data Science courses and workshops
- Communities: NCI and NIH data science teams, groups, and listservs
- Tools and Platforms, including NIH Integrated Data Analysis Portal (NIDAP) and scientific computing tools
- Compute Resources: Virtual machines, Biowulf, Frederick Research Computing Environment (FRCE)
- Asking for help
- Consultation and resources from the CBIIT Scientific Computing Program and the Frederick National Laboratory
Meeting number: 2317 575 7919
Password: qeUg93beT*3