Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

RNA-Seq Weeks Event: Bulk RNA-Seq Analysis on the DNAnexus platform

RNA-Seq Weeks Event: Bulk RNA-Seq Analysis on the DNAnexus platform

 When: Dec. 3rd, 2020 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

To Know

Online Webinar
Presented By:
Peter FitzGerald (GAU)
Class Files:
This class has ended.

About this Class

Meeting Link DNAnexus is a secure cloud-based platform designed for the analysis of genomic data. CCR has licensed this resource to allow CCR investigators easy access to intuitive bioinformatics workflows running on the Amazon Cloud. This talk will demonstrate a series of applications specifically designed for the rapid analysis of RNA-Seq data, and highlight a number of utilities that allow highly interactive exploration of the mapped data. Details will include: 1. A brief introduction to DNAnexus and the CCR accounts 2. Mapping of RNA-SEQ reads to a human or mouse transcriptome using the super fast salmon pseudo-aligner. 3. Gathering of read count data from multiple individual samples into a count matrix for subsequent differential expression analysis 4. Interactive data exploration and tertiary analysis via a number of different options, all using R-based shiny apps that can be easily navigated via graphical interfaces.


  • DNAnexus_RNAseq.pdf: |