Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

Statistical Methods for Binary Data Analysis Using R

Statistical Methods for Binary Data Analysis Using R

 When: Aug. 8th, 2024 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Learning Level: Any

To Know

Online Webinar
NIH Library
Presented By:
Nusrat Rabbee (NIH/CC)
This class has ended.

About this Class

What are common statistical analyses for binary data? What is the distribution of your binary dependent variable? What is the difference from normally distributed data? How do you model the binary outcome with multiple predictors in a regression?

This is a two-hour lecture intended for those doing basic data analysis using R. Basic R programming is a pre-requisite for this course, as is knowledge of basic statistical concepts, such as, mean and p-value from statistical hypothesis testing. This class will be taught by the Clinical Center's Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology Service (CC/BCES).

 The learning outcomes include:

  • calculating and displaying descriptive statistics, such as rates, proportions, and barplots 
  • recognizing the binomial probability density function as distinct from the normal density function
  • estimating proportion and confidence intervals
  • hypothesis testing for one-sample and two-sample 
  • logistic regression and checking model assumptions 
  • model diagnostics checking and results interpretation

R code snippets will be shared during the lecture and within lecture notes. The class will be recorded, so you can go back to the material as you begin to do your own modeling. During the class, time will be devoted to explaining the concepts, and code snippets and output and references will be provided for in-depth material. 

Preclass Requirements: You must take the basic R programming and statistical inference – Part I classes as pre-requisite through the NIH Library or have acquired the equivalent knowledge elsewhere prior to registering for this class.

Statistical Software: We will be using R and RStudio for our statistical analysis. R is open source and free. There are versions for Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux. You can download it from Additionally, we will be using RStudio as a graphical interface for R. RStudio is free for everyone to download from See above for pre-requisites in R programming.