Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

Streamlining microbial shotgun analysis with JAMS - from fastqs to pdfs

Streamlining microbial shotgun analysis with JAMS - from fastqs to pdfs

 When: Mar. 28th, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Learning Level: Any

To Know

Online Webinar
Presented By:
John McCulloch
This class has ended.

About this Class

Join John McCulloch and colleagues from the NCI Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology - Microbiome and Genetics Core (LICI-MGC) in an introduction to JAMS, a comprehensive software package for microbial sequencing analysis (microbiomes and isolate genomes), which caters to all steps within a microbiome project analysis. With a few one-liners, the JAMS package will automatically generate an R image from which a panoply of different plots and statistics can be obtained by applying any of several highly customizable plotting functions guaranteeing painless, accurate and useful publication-quality graphs.