Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

The footprints of evolution in cancer proteome

The footprints of evolution in cancer proteome

 When: Feb. 17th, 2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

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About this Class

Speaker is Dr. Michal Linial from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Abstract: Incredible progress has also been made in the field of cancer genetics with the sequencing and molecular profiling of tens of thousands of tumors into comprehensive resources such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Based on this rich data, hundreds of cancer driver genes have been established and curated. In this talk, I will discuss some of the challenges in cancer genetics by rephrasing the famous dictum - nothing in cancer makes sense except in the light of evolution. I will follow the presence of ultra-rare genetic variants in the population cohort as a lead to overlooked predisposed cancer signal. Then, I will present a comprehensive catalog of genes sorted by their selection, called FABRIC. It covers the entire human coding genome across 33 cancer types and pan-cancer. The methodology is based on rigorous and robust statistics reflecting the underlying protein-positive selection signal and presenting genes as candidates for driving tumorigenesis success. Finally, I will introduce PWAS, a proteome centric association gene-based method, and its relevance to cancer predisposition signal in the human population. For more: (1) Rasnic R, Linial N, Linial M. (2020) Sci Rep; (2) Brandes N, Linial N, Linial M. (2020) Genome Biol; (3) Kelman G, Brandes N, Linial M. (2020) Cancer Res. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 918 4307 1125 One tap mobile +13017158592,,91843071125# US (Washington DC) +19294362866,,91843071125# US (New York) Thanks, Sushant