Unix for the Bioinformatics Beginners
When: Dec. 12th, 2024 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Learning Level: Beginner
About this Class
Knowledge of Unix command line is advantageous for scientists who are new to bioinformatics, as many tools are designed to run on Unix-like systems. High performance computing systems (e.g., NIH Biowulf) also require command line skills. Biowulf has around 1000 software, including those for bioinformatics installed and provides more compute power for bioinformatics analyses that are otherwise cumbersome to do on a personal computer. Commands learned in this class will enable novices to sign onto Biowulf, navigate through its directories, and work with files, which are essential steps for getting started with bioinformatics. This class is not hands-on.
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Meeting number:
2316 568 6037
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Access code: 2316 568 6037