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How to enable colors for the ls command
How do we get the "ls" command to print out directories/files in different colors?
1 Answer:
Typing "man ls" shows that -G is the flag that enables colorized output.
So to get it to print out colorized output, we would type "ls -G" in the terminal.
To make the "ls -G" be the default behavior for the ls command, we can add it as an alias (a shortcut) to our ~/.bashrc file
For the class, the ~/.bashrc file was created in this step of the computer set up instructions: and details about the .bashrc file are given here:
To edit your ~/.bashrc file, open it in a text editor (e.g. nano ~/.bashrc), and add the line:
alias ls='ls -G'
and save it.
Then either type: "source ~/.bashrc" or open a new terminal to see the changes.
Answered on April 22nd, 2020 by