Bioinformatics Training and Education Program

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Which shell to use for Mac OS Catalina (10.15.*)

In the Biostar handbook the instructions say I should change the default shell from zsh to bash,  do I really need to do this and what are the consequences, or side effects?


1 Answer:

Changing the default shell is probably okay, but it is possible that it might have some unexpected consequences, especially if you make mistakes in the "startup files" (.bashrc and .bash_profile). A safer option is to change one the terminal preferences to have a specific instance alway open with the bash shell rather than the default. To do this open the Terminal program and select the Terminal -> Preferenced" menu item. In the Preferences pop-up window select one to the colored terminals and under the General tab add the command "/bin/bash" where is says Startup           Run Command .................... as show here

Answered on April 2nd, 2020 by